To all who mourn and need comfort;
To all who are weary and need rest;
To all who are friendless and want friendship;
To all who are homeless and want sheltering love;
To all who pray and who do not, but should;
To all who sin and need a Savior;
This church opens the door and makes for all a place,
And in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, says,
"Welcome!" Find a Presbyterian Church in Nashville for worship today!

The Catholic Church offers a wealth of services to its members and the wider community. From spiritual guidance and counseling, to social activities such as retreats, festivals and concerts - there's something for everyone!

The church also provides much-needed support for those in need. Many churches have food banks, offer free meals on Sundays or host fundraisers for families and individuals facing tough times. The parish council regularly meets to discuss ways of helping those who are struggling with poverty or illness, providing both physical and emotional assistance.

In addition to all this, many Catholic Churches also provide classes and workshops on topics such as finance, parenting skills, education opportunities and more. This is a great way to build up knowledge within the parish and gain valuable life skills.

The Catholic Church also plays an important role in the community, organizing events such as festivals and concerts to bring people together and celebrate their faith. These vibrant social occasions are a fantastic way to meet new people, make friends and share experiences.

At the heart of it all is the commitment to living out the love of Jesus, through acts of charity, prayer, worship and service. The church strives to be a beacon of hope in a sometimes difficult world, bringing peace and joy wherever it can.

Whether you’re looking for spiritual guidance or support during hard times - or simply want to get involved with your local community - the Catholic Church is here to help! From workshops and retreats to social events and charitable initiatives - there’s something for everyone at your local parish. Get involved today!

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m.

Sunday Schedule

9:00-9:45       Children & Youth Choirs
9:30-10:30     Adult Discussion Class
9:45-10:30     Children & Youth Sunday School
10:30-11:00    Adult Choir
11:00-12:00    Worship

Important Upcoming Events

November 14 (2pm)
Duo Piano Concert featuring Beegie Adair and Charlene Harb.

Suggested donations: $10 for adults;
$5 for children; $25 maximum per family.

December 5, during worship
Chancel Choir Service of Lessons and Carols

December 12, during worship
Youth and Children's Choir Musical for Christmas


The Adult Discussion Class meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the church parlor.

The Dancing on the Edge Reading Group for Women is currently reading Testament by Nino Ricci. All women in the congregation and friends are invited to participate in this group, which meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights of each month, at 7 p.m., in the East Hall of the church.

The Men's Breakfast Group meets at the best restaurants in Nashville on Thursday mornings, at 7 a.m.  Bring a brown bag breakfast and join this men's fellowship.

The Conscious Aging Affirmation Group meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m.

The Prayer and Care Group meets monthly on the last Sunday of the month.  It meets in the church parlor immediately following worship.

The Trinity Covenant Group comes together on the fourth Monday night of each month from 5:30-7:30. sponsers local business night that helps companies develop their online profile to increase sales.

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